The Weston Road Academy

The Weston Road Primary Acedemy
Life at The Weston Road Academy Life at The Weston Road Academy Life at The Weston Road Academy Life at The Weston Road Academy Life at The Weston Road Academy Life at The Weston Road Academy


Learning Support SEN

The Team

SEN Leads

Mr J Hackett SENDCO

Mr A Piercy Assistant SENDCO 

Teaching Assistants

Mrs J Walker Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Woods Teaching Assistant

Mrs D Hodgkinson Teaching Assistant

Mrs K Smale Teaching Assistant

Mrs H Wright Teaching Assistant

Learning mentors

Mrs L Wood Learning Mentor

Subject specialists

Mrs H Clarke English Hub

Mrs L Pringle Maths Hub

Mrs L Muir Science Hub

 All teachers are teachers of special educational needs.  As an academy, we recognise that it is everyone’s responsibility to meet the needs of all pupils. However sometimes, despite high quality teaching aimed at their identified difficulty, a pupil does not make progress in line with their peers. These pupils may be identified as having special educational needs. We have recently re-structured the department to foster better mentorship relationships by assigning a member of staff to each year group. This alongside specialist hubs for the intervention of lost learning in core subjects will hopefully provide better communication and clearer channels for you to gain information on the support your child receives, and more importantly a point of contact for your child themselves to seek any support.  

The aim of the Academy’s Special Educational Needs Department is: 

  • To ensure increasedaccess to the curriculum and the environment by making reasonable adjustments for those with a disability
  • To ensure inclusion for children and young people with SEN engage in the activities of the academy as fully as pupils who do not haveSEN
  • To reduce barriers to progress by embedding the principles in the National Curriculum Inclusion statement
  • To use our best endeavors to secure, for pupils for whom it is required, special educational provision that is “additional to and different from” that provided within the tailored curriculum, so as to respond better to the four areas of need:
    • Communication and interaction
    • Cognition and learning
    • Social, mental and emotional health
    • Sensory/physical
  • To request, monitor and respond to parent/carers and pupils’ views in order to evidence high levels of confidence and partnership 
  • To ensure a high level of staff expertise to meet pupil need, through well-targeted continuing professional development
  • To support the full inclusion of pupils with medical conditions in all academy activities by ensuring consultation withhealth and social care professionals
  • To work in cooperative and productive partnership with the Local Authority and other outside agencies, to ensure there is a multi-professional approach to meeting the needs of all vulnerable learners.

Useful Links 

Should you require any further information on what your local authority also provides to support your child and their inclusion please find below a link to your local offer. 

SEN Information Report 2023-24 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any help navigating or identifying a relevant service.